Amanda Merrill

Mar 2, 20172 min

Ciao, Food-Allergic Foodies!

I'm Amanda! Those closest to me know three things: I am a competitive ballroom dancer, a lover of all things Disney, and I have food allergies...a lot of food allergies.

Just to start, I am allergic to soy, wheat, corn, sesame, tree nuts, and peanuts. In fact, I am allergic to all legumes (lentils, chickpeas/garbanzo beans, beans peas, clover, alfalfa, mesquite, carob, tamarind, licorice, etc.). As far as fruits and vegetables, I am allergic to apple, pineapple, celery, carrot, and pumpkin, but suffer from oral allergy syndrome reactions to many others. I also have a dairy sensitivity and cannot tolerate added oils or sugars. At a young age, I was diagnosed with tomato and potato allergies, but those have become more “borderline,” allowing me to enjoy potatoes in moderation (tomatoes are more problematic).

Living with food allergies and restrictive diets is not an easy feat by any means, but it doesn’t have to be a curse. Growing up, my family and I vowed to discover ways for me to ENJOY eating again. Just because I am gluten-free and cannot consume many common ingredients doesn’t mean I have to survive off of bland, cardboard-tasting foods; and neither do you! It has been a long (expensive) road of trial and error, but the endless research and experimenting has been more than worthwhile.

Being diagnosed with food allergies impacts every aspect of life, including the lives of loved ones. In an effort to increase awareness and raise money for research and support systems, I take part in Food Allergy Research and Education’s (FARE) Walk for Food Allergy that is held annually across the United States. Please see the “FARE Walk” tab above for more information or if you would like to join my fundraising team and donate to FARE. Offering assistance to those with allergies and other special diets has become a passion of mine and now, in addition to advocating with FARE, I want to share the knowledge I have gathered over the years, as well as the secrets my family and I have discovered to making “tastes-like-the-real-thing” delicacies. This website is going to be an allergy-free treasure box of recipes, restaurant and product reviews, and more – all in the hopes that your journey may become easier and more delicious!

Let’s embark on this crazy adventure together! Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or concerns with me via the “Contact” tab above. If you would like your restaurant or products to be featured in a review or giveaway, please do not hesitate to reach out!

#foodallergies #glutenfree #soyfree #nutfree #dairyfree #foodie #FARE #FoodAllergyResearchandEducation #walk #reviews #product #restaurant #recipes
